Premier advocacy body for Victorian motorcyclists of all kinds

Members Login


All members are encouraged to download the VMC app to view and manage your membership, as well as keep up to date with VMC announcements.

Guidance notes on logging in and renewing your membership:

1) Your UserID (unless you've changed it) is in the format FirstnameSurname - e.g. BobRider - or use the "Forgot your username?" link (see below)
2) Password: You need to reset this yourself using the "Forgot your password?" link (see below)
3) Once you're logged in, click on "My Memberships" to view (and renew, if required) your memberships and "My Account" -> "Review and edit my details" for any changes. See below if you don't see the "Renew" option when you expect to...
4) If you wish to renew your membership but change the membership level (i.e. renew and change from Roadside Assistance to an Annual Membership or vice versa), you do this by using the "Register" option (on this page) and choose the one you now want. You may need to log in.
Guidance for members with Roadside Assistance who want an additional bike covered:
1) Head to this page and, once logged in, scroll to the bottom.
2) There's a section right at the bottom "Register".
3) Click on the drop-down and, under the "Membership with Roadside Assist" options, choose the "RSA xxx Bike" (Second, Third etc.) that's right for you. They're all the same price. We recommend choosing the "Auto Renew" option to save you time at renewal so you maintain coverage.
4) These additional bike options are only available once you have a first bike covered with our Roadside Assistance membership.
Don't see the "Renew" option when you expect to?
This is usually due to the fact that a renewal has already been started and not finished, typically needing payment details to be added so you can complete your renewal. Simply click here to be taken to a page where (after logging in if you need to) you'll see the option to continue your renewal - e.g. "Add Payment" - towards the bottom of the page.
If you do have any queries or need any help use our Contact Us page, or by email

