Premier advocacy body for Victorian motorcyclists of all kinds

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VMC Submission 2023 05: "Inquiry into the impact of road user behaviours on vulnerable road users": by VMC.
VMC's submission to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the impact of road user behaviours on vulnerable road users. (276.8 Kb)
VMC Submission 2022 04: 40kmh Emergency Response Vehicle Speed Review: by Rob Salvatore.
This submission to Victoria Police provides motorcycle and powered two / three wheeler specific feedback regarding Road Rule 79A1 (RR79A), particularly subsection 3 which requires vehicles to pass stationary emergency response vehicles (ERV’s) at a maximum of 40km/h. The submission is in two parts: – Part A: VMC submission – Part B: Consultation Questions In general, riders were not supportive of RR79A in its current form. (627.6 Kb)
VMC Submission 2021 07: Road Safety (Vehicle) Regs RIS 2021: by VMC.
VMC response to the Victorian RS(Vehicle) regs update RIS review. (453.2 Kb)
VMC Submission 2021 02: Victoria's Draft 30yr Infrastructure Plan - VMC Response: by Victorian Motorcycle Council.
The VMC's submission focuses on the transport aspects of the comprehensive draft Victorian infrastructure plan. The role motorcycles can fulfill in that plan were completely overlooked. Two ways that Infrastructure Victoria can account for and encourage motorcycle use, maximising their benefit to Victoria, is to ensure that the needs of motorcycles are accounted for in any road space planning / development, and to exempt them from any and all congestion pricing mechanisms. (479.3 Kb)
VMC Submission 2020 01: Inquiry into the Increase in Victoria's 2019 Road Toll: by Victorian Motorcycle Council.
VMC's submission to the Victorian Road Toll Inquiry, with a specific motorcycling take on the inquiry terms of reference. One of the central themes is that the key to a sustained reduction in the rider road toll is threefold: 1) to improve, better and upskill riders, 2) improve the road system that motorcycles ride on and 3) to increase non-rider awareness of motorcycles. (851.9 Kb)
VMC Submission 2019 07: 4/ Appendix C Hi Viz - VMC Response to Parliamentary Secretary for Transport 2014 07:
(538.2 Kb)
VMC Submission 2019 07: 3/ Appendix B Hi Viz - Government response Terry Mulder 2014 07:
(548.1 Kb)
VMC Submission 2019 07: 2/ Appendix A Prof Huggins Hi Viz Review Letter 06 2014:
(2,533.8 Kb)
VMC Submission 2019 07: 1/ DoT Road Safety Regs RIS 2019: by VMC.
VMC's submission to the DoT New Road Safety (Drivers) Regulations 2019 Regulatory Impact Statement. Appendices available at: (375.1 Kb)
VMC Submission 2018: NTC Driver Distraction Technology Neutral Road Rules: by Rob Salvatore.
VMC submission to the NTC's public discussion document on developing technology neutral road rules in respect of driver distraction. (218.8 Kb)
VMC Submission 2018 12: City of Melbourne Transport Strategy Refresh 2018:
VMC Submission to the City of Melbourne Transport Strategy Refresh 2018 (238.9 Kb)
VMC Submission 2018 01: Vicroads Country roads inquiry: by VMC.
VMC submission to the Inquiry into Vicroads' Management of Country Roads. (457.6 Kb)
VMC Submission 2016 03: Submission to Minimum Distances Overtaking Distance Rules Relating To Bicycles: by VMC.
Inquiry into bicycle overtaking rules. (2,150.0 Kb)
VMC Submission 2015 05: Submission into Vicroads Filtering Implementation - VMC preferred framework: Publication date : 01 May 2015
(776.7 Kb)
VMC Submission 2011 09: Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Motorcycle Safety 2011:
VMC's submission to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Motorcycle Safety 2011. Full inquiry: (576.0 Kb)