Premier advocacy body for Victorian motorcyclists of all kinds

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VicRoads has recently announced the introduction of a new road rule "Minimum Passing Distance" in relation to cyclists. Details in the link below. "Minimum Passing Distance" in relation to cyclists - 28th April 2021
VicRoads has recently announced the introduction of a new road rule "Minimum Passing Distance" in relation to cyclists. Details in the link below.
Website: "Minimum Passing Distance" in relation to cyclists
Back in 2019, over 800 riders applied to become a rep on a new proposed government motorcycling advisory panel. The process took many months, shortlisting down to some fifty active community engaged riders, any of which would have been a valuable contributor on this panel, from which seven were selected.
One of the successful rider reps, who was also part of the previous Motorcycle Expert Advisory Panel, is the Deputy Chair of the VMC, Rob Salvatore.
The first meeting happened this week. The "Motorcycle Community Engagement Panel" is now active - 25th April 2021
Back in 2019, over 800 riders applied to become a rep on a new proposed government motorcycling advisory panel. The process took many months, shortlisting down to some fifty active community engaged riders, any of which would have been a valuable contributor on this panel, from which seven were selected. One of the successful rider reps, who was also part of the previous Motorcycle Expert Advisory Panel, is the Deputy Chair of the VMC, Rob Salvatore. The first meeting happened this week.
Website: VicRoads - Motorcycling Community Engagement Panel
COVID may have disrupted our normal way of life in Victoria, but we were determined not to let it disrupt the annual outpouring of generosity from Victorian motorcyclists wanting to make the lives that bit better for Victorian families at Christmas. 2020 Traditional Melbourne Toy Run - 9th November 2020
COVID may have disrupted our normal way of life in Victoria, but we were determined not to let it disrupt the annual outpouring of generosity from Victorian motorcyclists wanting to make the lives that bit better for Victorian families at Christmas.
For more information download this document
VMC 2020 AGM - Reports - 29th October 2020
The VMC Annual General Meeting (AGM) occurred as scheduled on 27th October 2020. Both the reports from the Chair and Deputy Chair are made available.
The Victorian Auditor General's Office is auditing the rollout of WRB's. The terms of reference are relatively narrow but the VAGO are open to receiving a broad range of input.
The VMC is one of the consulted stakeholders. Have your say on our Facebook page and we'll pass the details on. Regional Road Barriers Audit - Have Your Say - 15th July 2019
The Victorian Auditor General's Office is auditing the rollout of WRB's. The terms of reference are relatively narrow but the VAGO are open to receiving a broad range of input. The VMC is one of the consulted stakeholders. Have your say on our Facebook page and we'll pass the details on.
Website: Share Your Feedback With The VMC
The VMC has called for the removal of mandatory high visibility clothing for learner riders in its submission to a review of the Victorian Road Safety (Driver) Regulations, on the basis that there is no proven road safety benefit, that the Department of Transport failed to make a case in support of the requirement and that the wearing of a properly fastened high visibility vest could cause accelerated fatigue and heat stress.
VMC Calls For Removal Of Mandatory High Viz For Learner Riders - 7th July 2019
The VMC has called for the removal of mandatory high visibility clothing for learner riders in its submission to a review of the Victorian Road Safety (Driver) Regulations, on the basis that there is no proven road safety benefit, that the Department of Transport failed to make a case in support of the requirement and that the wearing of a properly fastened high visibility vest could cause accelerated fatigue and heat stress.
Website: Submission and appendices
For more information download this document
FALSE ALARM! There is no mandatory hi viz proposed for fully licenced Victorian riders. You can take that as gospel and ride on, or read on for the fuller details. There Is NO Mandatory "hi viz" Proposed For Fully Licenced Riders - 3rd July 2019
FALSE ALARM! There is no mandatory hi viz proposed for fully licenced Victorian riders. You can take that as gospel and ride on, or read on for the fuller details.
VicRoads has launched a new share the road campaign. It's aimed at pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, cars and trucks alike. More details on the dedicated website, below. VicRoads Launches "Share The Road" Campaign - 6th June 2019
VicRoads has launched a new share the road campaign. It's aimed at pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, cars and trucks alike. More details on the dedicated website, below.
Website: VicRoads "Share The Road" Campaign
In a State Government press release earlier today, it has been announced "After assessing the outcomes of the [Hoddle Street] trial, the Government has announced the Hoddle Street motorcycle in bus lane trial will become permanent" - found approximately half way down the press release linked to.
The VMC very much welcomes this decision and are keen to continue to be engaged with the relevant authorities regarding the recently announced additional bus lane trials. Bus Lane Usage - Hoddle Street - Now Permanent For Motorcyclists - 3rd June 2019
In a State Government press release earlier today, it has been announced "After assessing the outcomes of the [Hoddle Street] trial, the Government has announced the Hoddle Street motorcycle in bus lane trial will become permanent" - found approximately half way down the press release linked to. The VMC very much welcomes this decision and are keen to continue to be engaged with the relevant authorities regarding the recently announced additional bus lane trials.
Website: Hoddle Street Bus Lane Trial Press Release
The City of Melbourne Council have shared their "Draft Transport Strategy 2030 Motorbikes".
"We want to maximise space for pedestrians, we're planning to provide 300 more on-street motorcycle parking bays as an alternative to parking on footpaths".
Read on for VMC's view of this. City of Melbourne: 300 More On-Street Motorcycle Parking Bays - 17th May 2019
The City of Melbourne Council have shared their "Draft Transport Strategy 2030 Motorbikes". "We want to maximise space for pedestrians, we're planning to provide 300 more on-street motorcycle parking bays as an alternative to parking on footpaths". Read on for VMC's view of this.
Website: City of Melbourne: 300 More On-Street Motorcycle Parking Bays

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