V.M.C. (VICTORIAN MOTORCYCLE COUNCIL) INC. ACN 148567015 est. 1997 (reg ASIC A0034404)
V.M.C. (VICTORIAN MOTORCYCLE COUNCIL) INC. ACN 148567015 est. 1997 (reg ASIC A0034404)
We work on the principle that motorcycling is more important than the VMC; which is more important than any individual in the VMC;
and that it is important to be a part of the conversation rather than outside of it.
Representation and Advocacy for riders Victoria must be united to use the power of voting numbers as a force for rider rights. A council structure recognises that riders are tribal, not all ride for the same reasons and not all have the same ideology or values on issues that affect them. There are many different formats of powered cycles and a vast diversity of needs.
The creation of the Victorian Motorcycle Council was for the first time, the opportunity to bring equality to all the various groups, clubs and associations, representing all types of on-road and off-road riders, so they may unite in strength for their common interests. It is well recognised that not all decisions and policies will satisfy every group however the process of having input and compromise is the very basis on which the concept will meet with success. Each associate organisation has two delegates or representatives on the Victorian Motorcycle Council which is administered by an elected Executive Committee.
Our current Executive Committee members and their contact details can be found on the “Contact Us” page.
The Victorian Motorcycle Council is an organisation supporting and representing Victorian motorcylists with the aim to:
- Promote and improve all aspects of road safety concerning motorcycling in Victoria
- Promote, improve and protect the use of motorcycles in Victoria, recognising their environmentally beneficial place in urban and land transport planning and systems
- Promote and improve at all levels the full knowledge, awareness, understanding and acceptance of motorcyclists’ welfare and safety needs in Victoria.
- Protect the rights and freedoms of motorcyclists in the face of discriminatory legislation and practices.
- Promote the social and personal benefits of motorcycling.
- Promote appropriate planning and design of road infrastructure that is supportive of motorcycling.
- Promote the environmental benefits of motorcycling.
- Promote the safety and enjoyment of motorcyclists by improving riding skills.
- Promote a balanced approach to liberty and regulation.
- Work with interstate and international bodies to pursue mission objectives.
- Ensure recognised, ongoing, credible and sustainable motorcycle advocacy.
View our latest VMC Constitution in the Document Library, selecting the "General Information" category.
2018 - now: Continuing representation on Motorcycles in the City of Melbourne Committee. Continuing representation on MEAP and then on Motorcycle Community Engagement Panel. Multiple submissions to government, ADR reviews, Victorian road rules reviews, local council road safety strategies and other requested engagement as a key stakeholder. Representation to Melbourne City Council regarding footpath parking removals. Continued monitoring and contact with City of Port Philip on Acland street/ Luna park precinct footpath parking. Ongoing meetings with VicPol Road Policing Command. Meetings with Victorian government transport ministers (various) on motorcycling related issues. And more...
2017: Continued engagement and relationship building with the new RSCC, representing motorcycling interests. Advocating as a reasonable voice for the continuation of access to the Hoddle street buslane, analysing the Vicroad buslane trial report and arguing for further bus lane access. Principle stakeholder group engaging with City of Port Philip regarding loss of footpath parking space in the Luna Park precinct and winning three new dedicated parking areas.
2016: Worked in partnership with Victoria Police in response to the 2016 fatality spike. The result was no negative policy changes. Submission and presentations lodged on the proposed minimum distance bicycle overtaking laws. Continued consultation on new on street motorcycle parking bays.
2015: Key role over the past five years in conjunction with other AMC stakeholders culminating in the introduction of ECE Standard Motorcycle Helmets to Victoria.
2015: Key role in the development and implementation of motorcycle lane filtering in Victoria. VMC was the only motorcycle stakeholder that continued to work directly with VicRoads post the public consultation process and was invited to the ministerial public announcement media release and was directly acknowledged in this release.
2014: Regular meetings with senior Victoria Police traffic and enforcement leaders which continue today.
2013: The motorcycle representative on VicRoads Smart Roads Reference Group.
2012: Continuing representation with the Ministerial Expert Advisory Group.
2012: Invited to be a member of City of Melbourne MITCoM, key contibutor to CoM Motorcycle and Motorcycle parking design and logistics plans. Continuing today.
2012: Public battle with the Road Safety Camera Commissioner over factual inconsistancies about Frontal Number Plates for motorcycles which led to further strengthening a positive relationship with the Government.
2012: Rebuilding the relationship with agencies and Government which continues today.
2012: The VMC has made several submissions to the 2012 Parlimentary Inquiry into Motorcycle Safety. The primary submission led to the extraordinary re-convened Parliamentary Inquiry investigating bias and vilification in TAC motorcycle public safety advertising campaigns.